Saturday, July 5, 2008

Publicist Brand ID - Juan Roberts

This is a brand ID developed for Trevia Williams. I met Mrs. Williams on the set of a movie I directed last year for Fred Hammond, "Christmas ... Who Needs It." We shot in Dallas during the month of September.

She was the agent and mother of one of the co-stars in the movie, her son Justin Williams. The shoot was an intense three weeks and countless hours rehearsing and shooting from noon to early morning hours. Being on set that much for a film project provides a lot of time to discuss lives, politics, faith and a host of other topics. I got to know various members of the cast and crew well.

I tend to gravitate towards people with vision and hers was big. Trevia described how she wanted to elevate the publicity aspect of the entertainment industry. So, once the movie wrapped, I created this logo for her company. Accompanying the logo was a brief capabilities brochure.

I had no idea what a Diadem was, but once my researcher opened my eyes, wow. This was a breeze of an assignment.

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